COOL CANALS IN VENICE VENICE IS PRETTY I just asked Caitlin what she remembered and liked most about Venice, and seeing how it was 8 years ago for us and we are old and probably have Alzheimer’s, we can’t remember nothin. But here goes nothin. First off, Venice is super pretty when you fly in.
So it’s been a minute since we’ve been to Florence. In our first trip overseas, Caitlin and I did London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Florence. So it was whirlwind and it was nuts and a bit overwhelming. I pretty much threw a fit in Paris, standing in the freezing rain outside the Eiffel Tower, telling Caitlin
ROAMING ROMA ROME IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CITIES BECAUSE… We’ve been there twice, in 2012 and 2016…I think. Yeah, Rome is dirty and grafitti-laden, but it freakin rules. There is SO SO SO much to see, and the first time when we went, we did all the expensive touristy stuff like the Sistine Chapel,
Twenty Four Amazing Hours in Cambodia We visited Cambodia before I had Jetset Wanderlife, but here goes nuffin: I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart (that’s a good thing, right?) for Cambodia. At least since 2005, when I met an incredible and amazing family from Cambodia whilst living in Wellington, New Zealand.
Phuketting in Thailand We visited Thailand before I had Jetset Wanderlife, but I’m gonna write a long stream-of-consciousness post, Kerouac style of what I remember: People worship Thailand. After going, I’m kinda still wondering why even though I did really enjoy it. We ate like kings. We stayed in nice hotels for cheap. We ate
We’ve traveled enough to know where to find certain bonuses, freebies, promos, discounts, and coupons. We will periodically update this page with the best discounts and deals we’ve found, and we will keep some of the most relevant ones here all the time. Disclosure: Some of these are affiliate links/codes, meaning I may receive compensation
Coming Soon!
MOROCCO: ONE (NOT SO) WILD NIGHT IN AFRICA Per usual for my life, our trip to Morocco was (mostly) unplanned and happened something like the following: “We’re going to be so close to Morocco, which is Africa you know, we should go.” And scene. What would we do in Morocco? I don’t know. Was Morocco